kubik Storyteller Series: Chris Tang

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We’re honoured to share our team’s stories with you through the kubik Storyteller Series! Join us as we sit down with the people who make experiences memorable, get to know them a little better, and hear their stories as they told them to us. Then, stay tuned for more employee spotlights on other members of our team! This week, we interviewed Chris Tang. Keep reading to learn more about Chris’ background and the important roles he plays here at kubik.

Storyteller Series

Chris Tang | Creative Director

Chris is a creative director working with the Toronto team, and he has been an invaluable asset for kubik since he began back in 2006. His ability to brilliantly balance his creative contributions alongside his managerial duties is what makes Chris such an integral member of the kubik team, and his passion for innovative thinking and collaborative brainstorming with his fellow directors and designers is what drives Chris to produce outstanding interactive experiences for all of his clients. Here’s what Chris had to say about his experience with kubik and what his role entails:


What educational and professional experience did you have prior to joining kubik?

Chris: My experience with creative design began back in high school when I spent two summers working as a graphic artist in the trade show industry. It gave me the opportunity to shadow an exhibit designer and get a taste for the industry while pursuing my interest in art and aesthetic design, and I found myself fascinated by the process of transforming a sketch design into a real product. I then went on to earn a Bachelor of Industrial Design before working as a Junior Designer for four years, and it was after this experience that I began my journey with kubik.


How has your career grown since starting at kubik?

Chris: Having been with kubik for 17 years now, I’ve gained a lot of experience with each project over the years, and I’ve really had the opportunity to grow into my role as Creative Director. I began as a Senior Designer and moved on to Art Director before reaching the dream position that I have today, which allows me to incorporate design and creative thinking into my daily work. With our clients coming from such a wide range of industries and each project requiring its own unique solutions, the exposure to all of these exciting projects over the years has really helped me in becoming a true multi-faceted designer.


What does an average day look like for you?

Chris: Our average day always seems aberrant! We try to always keep the mindset of “expect the unexpected and always be ready for the next challenge!” Many of our projects involve a short turnaround, so things tend to move quickly around here. Aside from the actual design work itself, much of my role involves working with my fellow directors to manage a team of designers and look after the day-to-day design projects. And when I say day-to-day projects, these are not cookie-cutter works. Each project is tailored based on the client’s unique needs and there’s no strict formula for developing the design solutions. But this is the exciting part working in this industry and I think designers always love to take on these challenges.


What is your favourite thing about working at kubik?

Chris: I really enjoy the team dynamic and the diverse perspectives that we have when collaborating on projects. We work in an open concept studio dedicated to creative work and bounce ideas off of one another, and you can feel that there’s a real mindset of teamwork and collaboration. Our creative and design team works very cohesively to perfect each project and produce a polished finished product, and we all share the desire to push ourselves and encourage one another to improve.


Which project has had the greatest impact on you?

Chris: I always seem to remember the projects that connect people together the most. One project that comes to mind is an outdoor exhibit that we did for cancer awareness, where we housed inspiring photos related to the cause. The photographers on this project did a really amazing job of capturing the story of hope, and it was a breathtaking and mesmerizing experience to see how people were touched and inspired by those photographs in the exhibit. With this humbling experience, I’m always reminded that the audience engagement is the focus of experience design.


What inspires you to be creative in what you do?

Chris: I take a lot of pride in my work and the innovative solutions that the team has come up with in order to meet client needs. Oftentimes my role requires a lot of research and creative thinking, and it’s not always an easy task – I’ve definitely had some projects that left me with a few extra grey hairs. But every time the team can connect the dots and come up with cool ideas to tell a client’s story and help them connect with their audience, it provides great work satisfaction and inspires me to stay innovative and always strive for more. Working in this position with kubik is like a never-ending puzzle game – you always want to solve the next one!


What does the kubik team do for fun as a workplace activity or event?

Chris: We like to “eat, play, and learn.” Our Toronto office has a lot of interesting cuisine options in the area, so our team often goes out for lunch as a way to take a break from work and connect with one another. As for the “play” part, we organize team building events at least once or twice a year to keep things light and enjoy one another’s company. This includes things like escape rooms, obstacle courses, archery events, arcades, and a Secret Santa event around the holidays. Last but not least, taking a design field trip together is always fun and inspiring. Not only does it nurture team bonding, but it’s also always enlightening to see other cool designs!

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