For its first new traveling exhibit in 15 years, noted children’s book publisher Scholastic asked kubik to create a sophisticated expression of the company’s depth and diversity.
Recognized for its world leadership in publishing and distribution of children’s books, Scholastic needed to update their image and impress international buyers with their broad portfolio of products.
kubik produced a design that brought three different elements together in harmony, combining Children’s books, with their bright primary colours and bold graphics with plasma screens to display video and interactive product while providing a comfortable meeting space.
The exhibit created a mature, buyer-friendly environment with display space suitable for showing children’s books, while the plasma screens and superb quality audio reinforced the point that Scholastic is a sophisticated company offering a full range of modern educational products.
International buyers at the Frankfurt Book Fair enthusiastically responded to the exhibit environment, demonstrating Scholastic’s ability to combine the sensitivities of children’s publishing with the business demands of a modern book-buying marketplace.
For kubik, this was another opportunity for our international team to shine, Elliot Kohn, COO/Principal, kubik. Our designers based in Toronto worked with the build team in Amsterdam to bring the world of Scholastic to life. kubik‘s tasteful design, masterful control of lighting and ability to combine the elements Scholastic needed were the keys to success.
The kubik produced Scholastic environment made its debut at The Frankfurt Book Fair took place, October 15 to October 19, 2007