LoyaltyOne Project Takes a 2018 ARIDO Award

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LoyaltyOne took over offices at 351 King Street in 2017 at Toronto’s Globe and Mail offices. Sprawling across six storeys of floor-to-ceiling windows, architecture and design firm Gensler created an unconventional office space where there are no assigned desks, free roaming is encouraged, and gathering spaces include luxury lounges and a stadium-style staircase that doubles as an assembly area. This project was recognized with a 2018 ARIDO award on October 24. kubik worked alongside Gensler to quickly turnaround all six floors providing production and installation of graphics and dimensional letters in just four weeks. Gensler chose to work with kubik once again because of our “no-drama,” hands-on approach. kubik is continuing to work on the project creating wayfinding and permanent installations for the next phase of installation.

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